Rediscovering Resilience by Stew Darling

A Fetid, Stinking mess of Stagnant!!

Stew Darling Season 4 Episode 13

This Podcast will help you create more health, wealth and happiness for yourself, your family and your business and live a life beyond limits.

I'm Stew Darling, and over the last 30 years I have helped thousands Rediscover their Resilience.  As a military commander, covert soldier, entrepreneur, and author of the book,  Lead through Life;  a framework to take command of your life.

I believe that we are all resilient but, this 21st century world has 'hoodwinked' us into thinking we're not good enough.  My vision is a world where we are all free to live the uniqueness with which we were born.  No longer feeling the need to fit in and conform.  In doing so we will all Rediscover our Resilience.

You have Stagnated!  What happened, you got complacent.  Why?  You were successful.  This is how we lose our momentum.  Unfortunately, we seldom see the stagnation until we are deep in that fetid, stinking, pond of self-disgust.  It's not that bad, there is a way out.  Begin with little tasks and you will soon find your way back to you.  Next time, be more present when success come knocking and keep up the effort - don't give complacency a space.

Join me as we all improve our health, become more wealthy and enjoy greater levels of happiness.  No matter how stuck, you might be feeling right now, you are capable of Rediscovering your Resilience.


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